About JSDA


1940 to 1941 According to the policy of "one association per prefecture", securities dealers associations were established in many local districts.
May 1949 The Japan Securities Dealers Joint Association was established as a federation of securities dealers associations.
May 1968 Thirty-three local securities dealers associations were consolidated into ten associations.
July 1973 The Japan Securities Dealers Joint Association and ten local securities dealers associations were dissolved and the Japan Securities Dealers Association was newly established, consisting of all national securities companies as direct constituent members, with its headquarters in Tokyo and with ten district offices.
July 1992 The association was reorganized from a corporate juridical person under the Civil Code to an authorized corporation under the Securities and Exchange Law with the revision of the Securities and Exchange Law.
April 1994 Financial institutions authorized to undertake securities business joined the association as special members.
April 1995 South Kyushu District Office was consolidated into the Kyushu District Office.
July 1998 The JSDA integrated the Bond Underwriters Association of Japan into its organization.
February 2001 The JSDA entrusted the operation of the over-the-counter stock market to Jasdaq.
July 2004 The JSDA established a governance structure to manage independently the different functions of self-regulation and trade association in the same legal entity, and shifted to a new structured organization consisting of three sectors: Self-regulation, Securities Strategic Policy and General Affairs and Administration. The JSDA also merged with the Association of Tokyo Stock Exchange Regular Members.
December 2004 Along with the establishment of Jasdaq Securities Exchange Inc., the JSDA closed its Over-the-Counter Trading Securities Market.
April 2005 The JSDA integrated the Japan Institute for Securities Information and Public Relations into its organization.
September 2007 With the implementation of Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, the JSDA became an Authorized Financial Instruments Firms Association.
February 2010 The JSDA entrusted the task of handling of customers' complaints, consultation regarding the JSDA members and providing mediation service to resolve dispute over securities transaction between customers and the JSDA members to Financial Instruments Mediation Assistance Center (FINMAC), which is an NPO.