World Investor Week 2024
The JSDA has endeavored to promote medium- and long-term asset building and improve the financial literacy of individual investors as matters of crucial strategic importance. To this end, the JSDA has undertaken initiatives such as educational activities to expand the investor base, dissemination and promotion of financial literacy, and activities related to preventing individuals from falling victim to investment scams. This year, the JSDA is actively participating and cooperating in the World Investor Week campaign through the following activities:
Note: As of August 2024, the JSDA’s financial literacy and education initiatives have been transferred to the Japan Financial Literacy and Education Corporation (J-FLEC). Information on J-FLEC and its activities can be found on their website: (Japanese)
• “Securities Investment Day”
The JSDA has designated October 4th as "Securities Investment Day" in order to get more people interested in securities investment, under which the JSDA and related parties conduct a variety of activities.
• Creation of a special website and requesting cooperation from Association Members
The JSDA has created a website introducing World Investor Week, and through it, widely disseminated the campaign. In addition, the JSDA created a WIW banner in Japanese, and will request its Association Members to cooperate in the World Investor Week campaign by widely using the banner as well.
• Educational activities for individual investors
The JSDA summarizes the main points of NISA (Nippon Individual Savings Account), which is a tax incentive system suitable for medium- and long-term asset building, and disseminates information on special websites and leaflets.
For more information, please see (Japanese)
• Preventing investment scams
In order to prevent investment scams, the JSDA is conducting public awareness campaigns directed at general consumers and investors that call attention to their potential risk of becoming victim to investment fraud, through strengthening our collaboration with the police, government authorities, and Association Members.
(Ref) (Japanese)